Proctoring Event (Requirement for ONLINE Students only)

Person Taking a Test


PROCTORED EVENT REQUIREMENT:  In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event (a major exam, assignment, or presentation, etc.) per online course on campus. Students must attend one of the scheduled proctored sessions and will need to make arrangements with work, childcare, etc. The event will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade, and will be reflected as such on the course syllabus.   Proctored events should be completed after the 65% point of the semester.

The proctored event will be administered on separate days—once on the Vidalia campus and once on the Swainsboro campus.   Students must attend one of the proctored sessions as scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Course Calendar.   Dual enrollment students enrolled in online courses have the same options, but can also complete the event on the high school campus.   The event will be monitored by the instructor, another College employee, or high school counselor.

Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must submit a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved by the instructor of the course, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor's discretion

Students who do not complete the proctored event on the scheduled date and do not present a valid documented excuse within three business days of the scheduled event will be withdrawn from the course with a "WF" (Withdrawn Failing) and will be disabled in Blackboard.  The last date of attendance will be the last day an academic activity is completed.  If the proctored event is scheduled during final exams, any student who misses the proctored event will be issued an "F" (Failing) for the course.

Please refer to the Proctored Event Requirement in your course syllabus, Southeastern Technical College Catalog and Handbook, the online course links in Blackboard, and the Online Course Orientation for more information.

The required proctored event dates and times for your class will be located on your syllabus.

Below is the Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form if you are more than 75 miles from any of the Southeastern Technical College campuses exam locations and will be taking the exam at an approved off-campus location.

Select and print this Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form.