Thank You for Contacting Technical Support

Step 1. Please ensure that you enter your credentials correctly when accessing MySTC. Your username should be your student ID followed by "". For example, a valid student username would be If this is your first time logging in to MySTC, you will need to activate your account. To guide you through this process, please refer to the following video.

Click Here for the Initial Sign On Video

Step 2. If you are unable to log in to MySTC using your password, but you have previously logged in successfully, you will need to recover your password. To assist you with this process, please refer to the following video, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to recover your password.

Click Here for the Forgot Password Video

Step 3. If you require assistance with any of the following, please ensure that you submit the required documents through the secure DropBox link provided. The documents needed are a picture of your driver's license or STC Photo ID, as well as a picture of a handwritten note requesting account assistance. The note should include your full name, a statement describing your request, and your Student ID Number. Please note that I cannot assist you without these documents, and they will not be accepted via email. Once you have completed the submission through the DropBox, please send me an email to confirm that your files have been successfully uploaded.

Once you have completed the aforementioned steps, please send an email to and mention in the email that you have completed step 3. This is important so that I can verify that you have uploaded the requested documents. Once I receive your email, I will reply with a temporary password. Please note that if you do not email me, I will not be aware that you have uploaded the requested files.

To ensure the security of your documents, please utilize the provided secure DropBox link to submit them. They will not be accepted via email.

Click Here to Add Files Securely via DropBox

Once you have completed Step 3 and received your temporary password from the IT Department

If you have never logged into the MySTC single sign-on portal, please take a moment to review this video. Click Here for the Initial Sign On Video

Once you are acquainted with the initial sign-on procedure, please visit the MySTC Single Sign-On Portal to set a new password. When prompted to enter your old password, please input the temporary password provided earlier.

Selecting Alternate MFA Methods

To learn how to select alternate MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) options that you have set up for your account, please take a moment to review this instructional video.

Click Here for the Alternate MFA Options Video

How to clear Browser History

If you receive error messages during Logins, you may need to clear your browser’s cache.