The Southeastern Technical College Academic Dishonesty Policy states that all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on tests, plagiarism, collusion, and falsification of information, will call for discipline.   The policy can also be found in the Southeastern Technical College Catalog and Handbook.

Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Aiding and Abetting Academic Misconduct - Knowingly helping, procuring, encouraging or otherwise assisting another person to engage in academic misconduct.
2. Cheating
a. Use and/or possession of unauthorized material or technology during an examination, or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade, such as tape cassettes, notes, tests, calculators, computer programs, cell phones and/or smart phones, or other electronic devices.
b. Obtaining assistance with or answers to an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade from another person with or without that person's knowledge.
c. Furnishing assistance with or answers to an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade to another person.
d. Possessing, using, distributing or selling unauthorized copies of an examination, computer program, or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade.
e. Representing as one's own an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade created by another person.
f. Taking an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade in place of another person.
g. Obtaining unauthorized access to the computer files of another person or agency and/or altering or destroying those files.
h. Obtaining teacher edition text books, test banks, or other instructional materials that are only intended to be accessed by technical college officials, college administrator or faculty member.
3. Fabrication - The falsification of any information or citation in an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade.
4. Plagiarism
a. Submitting another's published or unpublished work in whole, in part or in paraphrase, as one's own without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, quotation marks, citations, or bibliographical reference.
b. Submitting as one's own original work, material obtained from an individual or agency without reference to the person or agency as the source of the material.

The procedure for dealing with academic dishonesty would be as follows:

Instructors address academic dishonesty at the first of each semester in each course. Specifically instructors would warn that any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in the following manner:

--First Offense--

Student will be assigned a grade of "0" for the test or assignment. Instructor keeps a record in course/program files and notes as first offense. The instructor will notify the student's program advisor, academic dean, and the Registrar at the student's home campus. The Registrar will input the incident into Banner for tracking purposes.

--Second Offense--

Student is given a grade of "WF" for the course in which offense occurs. The instructor will notify the student's program advisor, academic dean, and the Registrar at the student's home campus indicating a "WF" has been issued as a result of second offense. The Registrar will input the incident into Banner for tracking purposes.

--Third Offense--

Student is given a grade of "WF" for the course in which the offense occurs. The instructor will notify the student's program advisor, academic dean, and the Registrar at the student's home campus indicating a "WF" has been issued as a result of third offense. The Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, will notify the student of suspension from college for a specified period of time. The Registrar will input the incident into Banner for tracking purposes.