Southeastern Technical College provides First Aid Kits on its premises. They are there for use in the treatment of minor emergencies. When a supply is taken out of the first aid kit it is the instructor's responsibility to notify the Directory of Safety and Security so that the supplies can be replaced. No medications will be kept in the first aid kits or dispensed to the students by any employee of STC. Students may purchase over the counter medications such as Tylenol from the bookstore.

First Aid Procedures and Instructions

In all cases requiring emergency medical treatment, immediately call 911 and notify the receptionist. Then notify your supervisor and fill out a Campus Crime/Accident/Incident Report Form.

Minor First Aid Treatment

If you sustain an injury or are involved in an accident requiring minor first aid treatment:
• Inform your supervisor (in the case of an employee) or your instructor (in the case of a student).
• Administer first aid treatment to the injury or wound using universal precautions.
• Access to a first aid kit is not intended to be a substitute for medical attention.

Non-Emergency Medical Treatment

For non-emergency work-related injuries requiring professional medical assistance, management must first authorize treatment. If you sustain an injury requiring treatment other than first aid:
• Inform your supervisor (in the case of an employee) or your instructor (in the case of a student).
• Provide details for the completion of the accident investigation report.