Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
Good teaching practices encourage good students. It is important for new faculty members to develop good teaching practices.
- Communicate with students through eye contact.
- Encourage cooperation among students. Instructors should encourage students to form study groups and exchange phone numbers.
- Encourage active learning. Professors should assign group projects to students, not just lecture them.
- Prompt feedback. It is important for professors to know if they are getting through to students. Faculty should ask all students to write a short note at the end of class explaining what they learned.
- Emphasize time on task. Students should use their time wisely. Professors can write a question on the board for students to solve together before class. Another example is making sure students don't leave class early every day.
- Communicate high expectations. Students should know what is required of them and the standards expected. The professor can show this by giving out papers that have received good grades in previous classes.
- Good practice respects diverse talents. Professors need to address the fact that education is becoming more and more diverse. Student diversity in the classroom is prevalent.
Chickering, A. & Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. AAHE Bulletin , 39, 3-7.